Art is a language that communicates a lot more emotions and expressions than words can ever do.
How well do we all agree to this? A person involved in creating art has no bound to expressing his thoughts and visions. It’s a fearless flow that keeps on moving in the rhythm of emotions and feelings. The artists take great comfort while indulging in thoughts and sprinkling them on paper with the help of colours, which is a delightful way of adding life to existing thoughts.
Well, we were privileged enough to get in touch with one such artist, named Joy, who found her first love to be art, at the age of 5, and hasn't stopped creating magic with brush and pens since then. Her art is eccentric and extraordinary and is made with such simplicity that it is definite to touch your heart.

Let’s take a look at our beautiful conversation with Joy which will leave you inspired to find art that soothes your soul.
On being asked about her story and how she was drawn to art, Joy replied saying that she is based out of Hong Kong. During her childhood, she used to hate reading books and was always attracted to pictures. That is when she started doodling and became passionate about art.
What role does art play in your life?
Joy’s response to this question was so pure and genuine that it made us all nostalgic to the moment when we were willing to find our inner artist in childhood. Joy says “I guess art has already become part of my life, I have drawn since I was five, and it now became part of my job.”
We were curious to know where she got her artistic style from and we asked her the same. She says
“Draw and draw… keep drawing until I find the style that I’m satisfied and comfortable with.”
Inspiration is a must for every artist as it gives a boost to their creativity and thought flow. For Joy, inspiration comes in the form of books, movies, music, and poems. Sometimes with an observation from life and people. Her favourite medium of art is believed to be digital art as it comes with a lot of conveniences and allows to explore various styles.
How does your creative process help you with your mental wellness?
“The process of creation is similar to self-reflection, it both requires you to think about the inner part of yourself, it calms me down and makes me want to do it better.”
Every art has a hidden meaning to it which the artist wants to communicate and that hidden meaning is the true essence of art and draws a lot of people towards it with the ability to communicate with only colours and no words. Joy’s art strongly speaks of self-love and encourages people to first understand, love, and respect their own selves. It’s worth all the hassle.
How do you balance creating art for yourself and creating art for clients? (Leave blank if you simply draw for yourself)!
“I actually do enjoy creating art for clients, but I will always leave some time for myself to create something I really like.”
Joy wants to try her hands at sculpture making and broaden the horizon of her artistic skills. She believes that every artist holds the ability to destigmatize mental health by creating something beautiful and creative as it engages the audience and makes meaning out of it.
What’s one piece of advice you would give to a person who wants to explore using art as a form to express their emotions or thoughts?
“Don’t limit yourself, there don’t have right or wrong in art and creation, just enjoy it.”

If you too are interested in her art and want to admire the beauty of self-love, check her out at and get more insights into her ecstatic art.